Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend and Linguine with Garlic Breadcrumbs

So this weekend was a good relaxing one! Friday I had a haircut and then that night Jace and I went to dinner at Ruby River for my belated birthday. We had a gift card there so it made it even better J Then Saturday we got up and went to Granny Annies for some breakfast because I was craving a scone. After Granny Annies I went to run some errands and Jace started working on his RZR and cleaning up the garage. I swung by the Gateway and ran into JMR to fine some amazing deals. 75% off a cute skirt and top which I always love finding great deals! The rest of Saturday was spent grocery shopping, cleaning the house and the yard up. I also spray painted my new jewelry holder from my mom black to match my bathroom. I think it turned out really great and I love how much stuff it holds!
Jace enjoying his scone. 
Jace and I at Granny Annies.

(Left-before, Right-after)
After product holding all my jewlery.

Then we went to see the movie “The Vow” since it was my choice Jace was very excited to go. I thought it was really good Jace said it was ok. Then today we went to church and just came home to relax. It was nice to have a day to just sit and relax and spend time together. Tonight I made a delicious Linguine with Garlic Breadcrumbs I found on Pintrest. It was super easy and really yummy. I found the recipe here and I followed everything on the recipe pretty close just made a few tweaks:

Linguine with Garlic Breadcrumbs:
2 slices of bread put in my food processor (toasted at 250 degrees for 20-30 minutes). I seasoned mine with garlic salt and onion salt.
I also added shredded Parmesan cheese

Jace wanted some meat with his so he heated up some Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops I made for lunch. I posted the recipe in this post. I also made up some of my favorite garlic bread to go with it that I mentioned in this post. It was a great relaxing weekend

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