Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend and Endowments

Well this past weekend was an exciting one. Friday night Jace and I were both so tired and lazy for some reason so we just laid around the house all night and didn’t do anything. Then Saturday we had to be up bright and early to head out to the Jordan River temple since I was taking out my endowments. It was a long day but a very good one. My mom and dad went with us early and my mom was able to escort me through the temple for my first time. It was amazing having her there and I’m not sure if I could have made it through without her. Then my wonderful cousin Krista came down from Provo to attend the session as well as my in-laws Dennis and Gayleen. Our bishop and his wife were also kind enough to come to the session. I’m grateful to everyone who was able to make it but it was really amazing having Jace there as well. I’m not going to write a whole lot about the entire experience since its personal but it will defiantly be a day I won’t forget and will treasure forever.
After going through that morning we went to breakfast with my parents and my Aunt Sheryl who is in town visiting from Vegas. The rest of the day we spent doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. That night Jace and I went to CafĂ© Rio for dinner and just ran some errands. Sunday we had church and then went to my parents afterwards to have my birthday dinner! This is a tradition we’ve done since I can remember. Every Sunday before our birthdays we get to pick what meal we have and my mom always goes all out. I choose Fried Chicken (so delicious) and cream peas and potatoes. Yes I’m from Texas-it cracks Jace up how much I love fried chicken. Then my mom knowing me way to well also made an incredible 3 layer chocolate and coconut cake. She is amazing. My birthday isn’t actually until Tuesday March 6th but it was fun to celebrate a little early with my family. We also had my cousin Conner, Aunt Sheryl and Kami over with us so it was fun to see everyone. Looking forward to the rest of the week!
I asked Jace to take a picture with me and this is what I got...
My mom and I with my cake :) can you tell were related?

Kami and I  


  1. Brooke what a happy time and big day for you to be attending the temple! Happy Birthday Tomorrow!! (tuesday) Hope you have a great day!! :> Love reading your posts and updates.

    1. Thanks Scarlet! I love reading up on your blog too. So fun to think we use to take piano together forever ago and now were both married and you have baby #2 on the way!

  2. Thats awesome that you received your endowment! I (in my own mind) celebrate the anniversary of my endowment day every year! Matt makes fun of me because dates are a big deal to me. Like when its my half birthday i let him know it. Ha Ha! Any way... congrats and happy birthday tomorrow! Alli had her baby boy today incase you didn't hear!

    1. Thanks! I love remembering special days too :) I heard Ali had her baby so exciting all the babies in the neighborhood!
