Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Convention Week

USANA 20th Celebration Convention week is over. Its always a ton of work and crazy long days but it always seems to be fun none the less. It was a big event this year with tons of new announcements and an exciting iPad giveaway to every distributorship at Convention and all full-time employees. Since Convention was Wednesday thru Saturday last week I was pretty much downtown most all week working.

Wednesday wasn’t a crazy long day so I came home and played outside with my nephews while Jace worked on the RZR. Thursday was the awards night so it was a long day but I did get a chance to grab some ice cream with Jace late Friday night and then Saturday after everything was over Jace and I went to The Pie to enjoy date night together.
Dinner with Jace Saturday night after Convention
Bubbles with my nephews! 
The Pink Heretic Logo on our RZR :) 

Friday we had rock delivered to build a retaining wall in our backyard so while I was working Jace was busy at the house working on getting this together. Most of it is in and he will probably finish up by the end of the week! It will be nice to get 2 big projects for the house done this year (RV Concrete pad and Rock Wall).
Ice cream Friday night
The rock pile

Jace working... 

We have a Rooster in our backyard these days?? 

I took the day off yesterday to get caught up on cleaning the house, laundry, grocery shopping and everything that I let slip for the last 2 weeks between Youth Conference and Convention planning. I’m glad both are behind us now especially since Fall Semester starts back up next week and I’m ready to focus on school and hopefully be done with it soon!
This is what happens at Convention... 
Lunch on Saturday with Allen (my work brother) and Paula (my work momma)-shes going for a kiss if you cant tell :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Youth Conference and Park City

I’m a little behind but last week was a little crazy and this week only gets worse with my work Convention. It will be fun but a lot of work and crazy busy. But last week was Youth Conference. Jace and I were in charge along with another couple to get everything together/activities, etc. It all turned out great which I’m glad and relieved that its behind and now I can focus on Convention.

Youth Conference was Wednesday thru Friday afternoon at Crystal Hot Springs. We got home around lunchtime and Jace ran into the shop for a little bit while I unpacked, got laundry going and started cleaning the house and catching up on emails from work. We ended up going to see Total Recall that night and grabbed some dinner. It was nice to relax a little that night. Then Saturday morning I finished cleaning up everything around the house and then meet my friend Megan from my old ward and Yearbook (yes we were awesome nerds like that) for lunch (which could almost have counted as dinner since we chatted for about 4 hours). It was great seeing her and I’m excited for her to move closer J hopefully soon!

In Park City for the day 
Saturday night we worked in the yard and went to the grocery store (it was awesome) and grabbed Chinese food. Then Sunday I had a work party to help with in Park City so we went and did a little shopping at the outlets and headed up to help get stuff ready for the party. It was a great turn out and everything worked out well (which is another relief to have done). So now it’s onto the craziness of Convention. Wednesday to Saturday night will be nuts and then next Monday I start school back up…I think I’m ready for fall and Halloween and all the holidays to come because I’m done with summer. It’s been way too busy to really relax so I’m hoping things slow down a little this Fall! Also I got Instagram finally so you can follow me on brookeannp.