Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chinese Casserole

So this week has been busy but flying by which is always great. Tuesday night I went over to my friend Lindsey’s for another facial, a late birthday present to myself-so amazing! Getting facials is my new favorite thing! The rest of the week’s just been busy working in the yard, the house, Jace getting his toys ready for dune season, etc. but last night I actually took the time to make some dinner. This is one of the first things I ever made when Jace and I were married. I think it is what made him believe that he wouldn’t starve in our marriage :) This is a recipe I got from my good friend Whitney Floisand’s mom. She would always make it and I would always come over to their house in high school to eat the leftovers. So when I got married she got me a great casserole dish with the recipe and I love it! Super easy and yummy.

Chinese Casserole
Kim Floisand

1 lb. hamburger
½ onion (I just use minced onion/onion salt)
½ cup rice (uncooked)
¼ cup soy sauce
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 ½ cup warm water + little pepper
½ can Chinese noodles

Brown meat with onion.
Add all other ingredients (except noodles)
Cook at 375 degrees for 30 minutes covered, then uncover and cook for 20 minutes and 350 degrees. Sprinkle noodles on top and cook for an additional 10 minutes.

I love this recipe because it’s easy to throw together and also reheats well. I like to serve it with cooked veggies and fortune cookies! I am mad at myself though because last night since the pan was still hot when I was cleaning up the kitchen I let it sit out a little longer to cool down. I ended up going to bed and totally forgot about it until this morning when I walked downstairs :( sad that I had to throw it away and wasn’t able to have my leftovers for lunch!

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