Wednesday, March 7, 2012

22nd Birthday and Sealing

So this past Tuesday, March 6th was my 22nd birthday it was a great one! I went to work for a half day and some great coworkers brought doughnuts in for my birthday. I did a little work and then went and meet Jace for some lunch. After lunch he headed back to work and I ran around to do some errands and some shopping J My coworker Holly was so sweet and got my a gift certificate to one of my favorite stores JMR so I went in there and got some amazing shoes! I wish it would stop snowing so I could wear them! After running around and shopping I headed home and meet up with Jace. He was so sweet and got me beautiful flowers and a card. I love cards and I keep every card I get in a box. I had also picked out earlier last week some shoes that he bought for me and some house stuff! I just really need it to warm up now so I don’t have to keep wearing boots.
After Jace gave me my sweet presents we got ready and picked my parents up to head to the Bountiful temple. Saturday I had received my endowments so Jace and I could be sealed on my birthday. We were married civilly in Las Vegas, NV on December 30, 2009 but by getting sealed in the temple we would be able to be married for eternity. Such an amazing experience! I’m so thankful for all our family and friends that came from Idaho, Midway, Provo and all over the place to be with us. It was just a very special moment to share with those closest to us. I’m grateful to have such an amazing husband and without sounding too cheesy was so thankful for the greatest birthday gift he could have ever given me. It was also cool that our sealer was the same sealer who sealed Jace’s dad and his stepmom to one another. He was great and I’m thankful he was there to seal us. Again since it was a personal and special moment I won’t write much here about it but I’m so thankful to have been able to go through the temple and to be sealed to Jace for eternity. I defiantly wouldn’t want to be with anyone else but him for that long.
After the temple we went to Five Guys to celebrate my birthday and our sealing. It was nice to see everyone and chat with them for awhile. My father-in-law and his sweet wife got me some kitchen supplies for my birthday and a statue for Jace and I’s sealing. It was very sweet of them. My brother and sister-in-law then were so sweet and got me a gift card to my other favorite store, Marshalls! Will have to go shopping soon Marci! My mother-in law was awesome also and gave me money to go pick out what I wanted and I was able to get a great new purse. After Five Guys we went back to my parent’s house for some cake and ice cream. My mom made another incredibly delicious cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday. My mom had purchased my temple clothing but also got me this great jewelry holder that I’m excited to load up with all my jewelry! It was a great day and I’m so thankful for all the birthday wishes and that I was able to spend the day with family at the temple. Thank you everyone so much for everything.
Jace and I after the sealing, outside the Bountiful temple. (Please ignore the red eye and the dots everywhere which is snow). 
Jace, me and my parents after the sealing.

The bag I bought with my mother-in-laws money. Thanks Janalyn! And the flowers Jace brought home for me. I love the two-toned colors. 

The blue shoes Jace gave me (I picked them out!) and the brown shoes I got with my gift card at JMR! 
The statue of Jace and I and the jewelry holder from my mom.
This cake was delicious!

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