Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Update-Facials, Brio, Birthday Parties...

So this weekend was pretty busy but very productive and fun. Friday night after work Jace and I ran to the gym then came home and got ready to go to dinner with my roommate from college, Stephanie and her husband Ryan. We went to Brio in Fashion Place mall. (We actually had our wedding dinner at Brio-down in the Vegas location though). We try to get together as often as possible with them and were going on 2 visits in the last couple months so were on a roll right now! Anyways we had dinner with them which was yummy and good to catch up with them, wish they were closer to us!
Stephanie and I at Brio (notice my new emerald green pants I got this weekend-I love them!)

Then Saturday I got up and went to my friend Lindsey Cowdin’s down the street who dose facials. I’ve never had a facial before but it was amazingly relaxing and wonderful. I will defiantly be making it a regular thing! I would highly recommend Lindsey to anyone interested in getting one themselves. Then I ran home did some cleaning/laundry and got ready to go to a baby shower for a lady in my ward. After the baby shower I finished cleaning the house and Jace and I finished up the mirror project (talked about in my last post). Then we went to a birthday party for Kody our friends who use to be in the ward but moved away L It was good to see them. Then Sunday we had church and the superbowl of course. We went to my bosses’ house for a big super bowl party he had which was fun. Then we came home and Jace worked on some laptop work while I continued to work on this project (its taking awhile I know I’m slow…) I also caught up on my Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice for the week which was a must and now I’m ready for the new week. Don’t have much planned for this upcoming weekend but glad we had such a fun and busy one this past weekend.  

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