Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spaghetti Sauce-Stove Fixed!!

Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner. Because they like to be feed by 5pm and Jace and I both work it was a bit of a struggle trying to get everything together by 5pm. Also because our stove has been broken for about a month now, I resorted to my crockpot for some Spaghetti Sauce. It was also nice that it could cook all day while I was at work. I called my mom and asked her what she always uses and I was informed of the following:

Spaghetti Sauce in Crockpot
I used a mixture of sausage and hamburger (cooked and drained first)
I added 2 jars of Ragu sauce
Seasoned with garlic salt, garlic powder, onion salt, onion powder, Italian seasoning, Parmesan cheese and the secret (according to my mom) was about ¼ cup brown sugar. I would never have guessed that on my own but I think it turned out really good.
Didn't take a picture until I cleaned up everything and it was in tupperware.

Then I rushed home a little early from work to throw some noodles on my handy stove top and a salad together. All in all it turned out pretty good for the minimal effort it took. But speaking of my oven being broken, Jace fixed it last night after the missionaries left!

A couple weeks ago when we realized unplugging it and trying all the blog recommendations out there wasn’t going to fix it, Jace determined that it was the control board that needed to be replaced. So he got online did some research and was able to order replacement parts for about $125. The parts finally came in yesterday and he was able to fix it and put everything back together. I won’t lie I was a little doubtful that he would be able to get everything back together but of course he proved me wrong and its back and working great! I will be happy to have my stove back since it’s been a little difficult trying to cook with a toaster oven and on a camper stove. Thanks again Jace for fixing it and saving us the money of paying someone else to do it!!
This is what the stove looked like after Jace took it apart 
He insisted I take pictures of the wires to help him put it back together...Not sure how he was able to understand it all but he did. Just looking at it stressed me out.
All fixed!! (Just needs to be cleaned now)

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