Monday, February 20, 2012

Texas Roadhouse Winners!

This past weekend was a busy but fun one. Thursday afternoon I received a call from an unknown number and when I answered it, it was Texas Roadhouse in Bountiful. Jace and I had gone there earlier last week for Valentines and while we had been waiting we both filled out a drawing for “Dinner and a Movie Goodie Basket for Two!” I didn’t expect anything out of it mostly just something to pass the time while we were waiting. But surprise we won! To make it even crazier that we won, they asked me on the phone if I knew a Jace Packard. When I informed them I was married to him they said they had drawn his name first and called him but since he never returned their call they drew another name and it was mine! What are the chances the only 2 we put in there would both be drawn?

Bad picture, taken with my phone in a parking garage...But I wanted a picture of my prize before Jace opened the basket to steal the candy for the movie.

So Friday night we went and picked up the basket and headed out to Salt Lake to meet our friends Kody and Sabrina for dinner and Blue Iguana. It was good to go to dinner and catch up with them since they don’t live by us anymore. Saturday we did our typical clean the house day but I did a nice deep clean of the house (dusting base boards, blinds, touch up paint everywhere, etc.) since I have a bridal shower for my best friend Haley coming up this next weekend. Jace was nice enough to help me with everything even though I know he doesn’t care like I do :) That night we went to the Gateway to see “This Means War” with Reese Witherspoon. I loved it! I thought it was super cute and funny and I also love anything she is in. We also stopped by Z Gallery and I got some early birthday presents. A floor lamp that I actually want to put in my bedroom but looks good in the family room for now along with a new center piece to go on the coffee table. To make it even better they were both on sale for over 50% off! I love things even more when they are a good price.
On our way to our Saturday date night.

Sunday we had church and then went to my parents for dinner. My mom is out of town so my dad cooked steaks. They were delicious! Then we just hung out for a bit then came home and watched Greys Anatomy (it killed me Jace made me wait for him…) This week will be a busy one but it should be fun!


  1. You two are darling together. I love that you both won the prize. Seriously you're lucky. I NEVER win anything.

    1. Haha thanks! I was so excited I probably looked like an idiot in the groccery store jumping up and down with excitment. We never win anything either so it was crazy we both won!
