Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

So of course last night was Valentine’s day. Jace and I went to work then came home to spend time together. We exchanged gifts and my amazing husband got me a Ninja blender. I’m so excited to try it out to make different things. It came with a recipe book full of some really yummy looking recipes. Then I gave Jace a gift card to go out to lunch and a few different things for around the house. Jace is always wanting a dog so I got him a dog statue from Z Gallery-I think that’s a pretty good compromise :) Anyways after exchanging gifts we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse then came home and just relaxed the rest of the night.
My Ninja blender 
The dog statue I got Jace...

I know it sounds cheesy but to me Valentine’s day seems like just any other day with Jace. I just like coming home from school or work and spending time with him which is really all we did on Valentine’s day and even though it wasn’t a big fancy night it was all I really wanted to do for the night. Thank you Jace!

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