Monday, February 27, 2012

Haley Bridal Shower

This past Saturday I hosted my good friend Haley’s bridal shower and I believe it was a success. It was quite a bit of work but lots of fun to see everyone. My good friend Whitney was nice enough to help out and brought a sandwich platter from Costco that was yummy and my other friend Stephanie brought a huge veggie tray. Then Bree brought chips and dip and Bridget brought some cupcakes so thank you to everyone who helped contribute and I’m sorry if I forgot anyone.
I took Friday off from work so I would have time to run around and get the house and everything together. Jace was also super sweet and helpful in getting stuff together. He cleaned up the front porch and even weeded the front garden area that was looking pretty rough from the winter. He also stayed up Friday night frosting Strawberry cupcakes with me. I had read on Pintrest somewhere (I can’t find where I pinned it now to give credit to the source so I’m sorry…) that if you put the jar of store bough icing in your mixer and just beat if for a little bit, it will make the icing fluffier and double in size. I decided to try it and it was amazing! I hate using store bought icing because it’s so stiff and dense and impossible to spread but after I mixed it up a bit it was really light and smooth and so easy to work with. Would defiantly recommend trying it out.
The shower was right at noon so we had sandwiches and a bunch of appetizers and desserts. I just used Strawberry out of the box cupcakes (since the theme was red, white and pink). They were pretty good and I was excited about the icing trick! I also made some yummy apple dip and spinach dip along with the most delicious cranberry punch. Its so easy and everyone always likes it. I found the recipe here. Its a great holiday/party drink.
The Spinach dip recipe is one I’ve posted before here. Same with the Apple Toffee Dip. This stuff is delicious!
Then after everyone got some food I passed out questions that Haley’s fiancé Mike had answered earlier for me. It was fun to hear Haley and Mike’s answers. Then Haley opened up A LOT of lingerie and some cooking supplies. Then everyone chatted for a bit and filtered out. It was great seeing everyone and lots of fun to get together. I’m excited for Haley and Mike to get married in just a few weeks!

The party favors
Heart shapped teaspoons 
Setting the table up
People getting food
Waiting to open gifts
Whitney and I! 
Taryn, Bridget, Whitney, Haley, Hela and me (from left to right) 

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