This past weekend was again a busy one. I took the day off from work Friday since I was hosting a bridal shower and needed time to get everything ready at the house and run to the store to get everything I needed. Friday night we didn’t do much, Jace just helped me frost cupcakes and we watched a movie at the house. Then Saturday was the bridal shower. (See post here).
Sunday was pretty busy we had church then went to my parents ward to see my dad and little brother Ridge speak. They both did really well. Ridge is so funny. He asked us afterwards if he looked taller because he was standing on his tip toes the entire talk! He said his calves were burning but he just fought through it because he wanted to look taller. That kid cracks me up! After church we went up to my mother-in-law Janalyn’s for yummy dinner.
Now we’re back into the work week but last night was fun since I went to a Food group that has started up in my neighborhood. It’s fun because once a month everybody gets together and brings food to exchange recipes. There was lots of yummy food and it’s fun to get to know everybody better.