Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend update-Car Show

So this weekend was another busy one but also very relaxing. Friday night Jace and I just relaxed all night and rented movies and I made Apple dip to snack on.
Apple Dip
Karen Lewis

14 oz. can Eagle Brand, sweet condensed milk
1 cup butterscotch chips
½ tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp.  white vinegar

In a small saucepan heat milk with the butterscotch chips until all melted. Remove from heat, add cinnamon and vinegar. Serve with sliced green apples.

Then Saturday morning we went and helped my dad replace his water heater. Afterwards we went to the gym and then cleaned the house and ran around doing errands. Saturday night was another uneventful night and Sunday morning we had church then went to the car show with Jace’s brother Jake and sister-in-law Marci and nephews. It was fun walking around and looking at the different cars there. Then we went to Jace’s mom’s for dinner. She bought a cotton candy machine which was fun to use. We experimented with different flavors and I had way too much cotton candy. We got a lot of running around and done and accomplished but it was nice to just relax at night and hang out with Jace.

Owen hiding from the camera.
Noah's new hilarious smile.
Jace and Noah doing his hilarious smile again.
Jace and I at the car show.

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