Friday, January 27, 2012

Change=New Purse :)

The other day I looked in my car and my change holder was overflowing with change. I decided to empty it into the change jar we have in our closet. When I put everything in I realized it was pretty full so decided to empty it out and roll into change rolls. I dumped everything out while I watched American Idol and by the end of the show I had $45.50! I was pretty excited becuase I’ve wanted a new purse recently. I LOVE purses and haven’t purchased one in awhile so I’ve been itching for something new.  I went to ALDO since I had seen some cute ones there online and my mother in law had  a cute one from there. I ended up getting this one.  (Mine is a cream and brown color though). It was little more than my change I had collected but I’m very excited about it J I was even more excited that I was able to buy it with money that had just been laying around!
The counted out money... 
My new bag I'm excited about!

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