Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recap-First of October

So a recap on last week/weekend. I needed a baby girl gift so I went to Madeleine L’Amour-my favorite little boutique place in Centerville. They have the cutest girly stuff in there. My friend Jeni Carlson and her mom own it so I love going in there and I always find something cute. I was able to find this super cute necklace for the expecting mom and this skirt for the little one. I also found myself a little jacket :) They were also super sweet to wrap it all pretty for me. Check out their blog here… Madeleine L'Amour Blog
Baby girl skirt-little big for an infant but she can grow into it 
The cute wrapping!

I’ve been loving the cold weather! (As long as it doesn’t snow). I love the boots and jackets and scarves I get to wear. Thanks to Elise Curtis I have been using this website to find different ways to tie a scarf. Here!I’ve also made hot chocolate about every day this past week. With marshmallows is the best. Friday was a fun night. My youngest brother Ridge wanted us to take him to Lagoon with our season passes (yes we have season passes) but it was way too cold so I told him we would go bowling instead. We went to Five Guys in Bountiful (I’ve never seen a little kid eat so much in my life) with my parents and Ridge but unfortunately it was league night for bowling so we ended up going home and just playing cards. Jace won, I was sad. Then Saturday my mom and I went to brunch with Cindy Fish who was visiting from Texas. I’m upset I didn’t get a picture so here is the picture from the summer we all got together last time she was here. (This one is at Chilis, we went to iHop this time). Its always fun catching up with her but I wish she would just move here!
(From the left) Cindy, Mom, Me
Anyways after brunch, my mom and I did a few errands and while we were out we stopped at the TJ Maxx/Home Goods store in Brickyard. I found and fell in love with a dinning room chair there. Jace and I just ordered our new kitchen table which I’m so excited for (it doesn’t get her until November 14th…apparently it’s a pretty happening table at ZGallerie.) But I’ve been on the hunt for chairs now and I found these. They were also $50 cheaper than other places I’ve seen. I also stopped by Mr. Mac with my mom to pick up some stuff to send to my other brother on his mission in St. Louis, Missouri. She told me for Christmas she is going to be sending him the “12 Days of Christmas” and in each package write a cute little poem like “On the first day of Christmas my family sent to me, one ugly Christmas tree…or 5 ugly DI ties.” So if you can think of any cute ideas/poems to send a missionary let us know!
Anyways when I got home Saturday from brunch/shopping with my mom I told Jace we had to go look at the Home Goods by our house at these chairs I had found. We went and agreed they were a must. They only had 4 and the lady said they were Chocolate Brown but the Brickyard location had 2 that were black. I told her she was wrong and that I would go back to Brickyard and bring them back to show her they were the same color. So Monday during my lunch break I did just that. I managed to get 2 of these chairs in my car (I really should have taken a picture because I looked like an idiot with a dining room chair sitting in my passenger seat of my Audi). I was so happy when we went over to pick up the other 4 chairs (in Jace’s truck) that they were all the same color (I’m still not sure if they are classified as chocolate brown or black-either way I like them!) So here are the picture of my chairs.
These are technically my Christmas present this year and I’m so excited for them!! We also ended up seeing “The Ides of March” on Saturday night. It was really good I thought with George Clooney and Ryan Gosling in it. Sunday we had church and then a birthday dinner for my nephew Kayton who then turned 9 on Monday.
Not a great picture from my phone-but this was the RC car from us and his parents. He was pretty excited to drive it even though it was raining. All in all its been a great last few days.

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