Saturday, October 22, 2011

Colorado Trip

So getting ready to go to Colorado was a little more of a process than we thought it would be. First of all, I struggle with packing. I always pack way more than I need to. I just cant decide what I will want to wear when I go somewhere and always worry about the weather (so I end up bringing short sleeves, long sleeves, etc.) What ends up happening is. I go into my closet and pull any and everything I think I might want to bring and throw it into a huge pile. Then I go through and weed out what I know I shouldn’t bring and pack the rest. It kinda looks like this…

But anyways after I Jace and I were all packed to go then we had to worry about all the vehicles.  Jace said that our 2 seater RZR would fit in the back of his truck no problem. He failed to mention it fits with stock tires. So we were lucky to be able to borrow some stock tires and got that loaded up. Then we loaded Jake’s 4 seater RZR onto the trailer along with 2 luggage carrier bags full of our stuff, my mom, Paige and Ridge’s stuff. We put the mini 170 RZR into my dad’s truck and headed down to Provo. We were hoping to leave Farmington around 4 and we didn’t get out of there until closer to 630. We got to Provo to meet up with Mike and Krysta and their kids to drive down together. We were going to through the mini RZR on their trailor with their four-wheelers so we only had to drive down 2 vehicles instead of 3. By the time we did that, stopped by AutoZone to pick up some stuff and Arbys to eat we didn’t leave Provo until 1030. It was then a long 5 hour drive to Glenwood Springs, CO. I did my best to stay awake with Jace the entire time but I admit I feel asleep a little. Below is what we looked like driving down.

Thursday morning Jace and I got up and went down to the little town to check everything out while all the kids were at my cousin Matt’s dental practice getting work done. They have lots of cute boutiques of women’s clothes and bike shops. I ended up getting a really cute top. We’ve been doing a lot of relaxing at the house and playing with all the kids and eating lots of good food. Then yesterday we ended up going up with everyone on the mountain trails. It was a lot of fun. Below are a bunch of pictures from yesterday’s ride.
Getting ready for the ride.  
Sharon, Natalie and Maddy in the Rhino. 
Everyone at the halfway mark.

The top of ride. 
Jace and I at the top.

Mom got a little dusty on the way up. 
Dad, Krista and Sharon.

Paige with Addy and her cheesy smile. 
Som of the guys at the top.

Some of the vehicles. 
Caleb fell asleep in the Rhino. 
Jace and I in the RZR.

We will be going on another ride today so I will be sure to take some more pictures and post about the rest of the trip later!

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