Sunday, October 16, 2011

Haunted House

So last Thursday Jace and I went to “Nightmare on 13th” with my best friend Haley and her boyfriend Mike. We’ve gone to this haunted house with them before while Jace and I were dating. Since Haley lives down in Provo we hardly see each other so I was excited to get together with them. The haunted house didn’t seem as scary this year as it had before. (The guy that was behind us though was pretty scared-it was more fun to watch him squeal like a little girl). But even though the haunted house wasn’t super scary I still had fun seeing them and got me even more excited for Halloween. I like Halloween since it’s the start of the major holiday season. I’m also excited that will be going down to Colorado to visit some cousins for the long weekend from Wednesday to Sunday. I will be sure to take pictures and post later.
Jace and I before the haunted house.
Haley and I at the haunted house. (Yes I know its blurry-thats what you get with my phone camera and Jace taking the picture...)

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