Monday, September 12, 2011

Yard Work & Rascall Flatts Concert

So this summer has been pretty dedicated to yard work. We bought our house in March 2010 and still don’t have our yard in so this was the year we were going to get it done. We have around ¾ of an acre so its A LOT of work to get it in. We’ve done everything ourselves and we even bought a bobcat to help out (best investment we ever made!) Its been a lot of work but its kinda fun to see our hard work finally starting to pay off. Wednesday morning were getting seed and then we should be mowing in 2-3 weeks according to the guy putting the seed down. I’m so excited to have a yard its ridiculous. Here are some pictures so you can see all our hard work.
Jace putting in the filter for our sprinklers.
Super nasty since we've been outside all day but this was my genius idea to put up a shade tent and work under that. I'm sure it looked really awesome from the street in our front yard but it was so much better to work under.

On another note Friday we were able to go to the Rascal Flatts concert with my Mom, Dad, Aunt Sharon and Kami. We had a lot of fun. It started pouring on the way to the Amphitheater and we were nervous since the concert was outside but luckily it stopped in time for the show. It was good to take a break from the yard for a night and just relax. Saturday it also rained some so I decided to get out the Halloween decorations and put them up. I didn’t get very good pictures so I will take some more and get them up later.
Mom and Dad.

Jace and I

Sharon and Kami

Kami and I!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see your house! I still haven't seen it in the flesh, and that makes me really sad! I'm so happy you started a blog though! FINALLY! Sheesh you've been married the longest, you should be pioneering this movement!
