Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Cooking

I love fall weather. It makes me excited for new fall clothes and it makes me want to cook more. Jace and I have been eating A LOT of cereal this summer due to the yard. So now that the we cant touch the yard for 3 weeks, I have time to cook and bake at night! So Monday I decided I would make some zucchini bread. My mom brought us a HUGE zucchini from Ridge’s garden. She said it was time for me to learn how to make my own bread. So I figured I might as well learn.
See the huge zucchini-my knife struggled cutting through it. I need to upgrade to Cutco!

I decided because the zucchini was so huge I would make a double batch. (My loaf pans must be larger than normal though because my double batch should have made 4 loaves and it only made 2 and ½). Anyways I pulled out the Kitchen Aid mixer (which I love!) and the Kitchen Aid Food processor which I had never used before. (Also on a side note-we received the food processor in the mail when we got married but it had NO tag or name associated with it so I was never able to send a thank you note to whoever gave us the processor).  Jace had to help me set up the thing but once I got going it was so awesome.
15 minutes later after Jace figured it out for me.

It would have taken me forever to shred all that zucchini but the food processor was so fast! I got excited and shredded the whole zucchini and froze the half I didn’t use (my mom confirmed this was ok). While my bread was cooking I was so excited to use my food processor and since it was already out and set up (pretty sure I cant use it if Jace isn’t around) I shredded a whole block of cheese too!
The results of the food processor on the huge zucchini.

I like to have shredded fresh cheese but its much easier than doing it by hand. Anyways my bread turned out surprisingly delicious and I’ve eaten almost half of it already by myself. Tonight I’m planning on making some broccoli cheese soup! I don’t have the zucchini bread recipe with me so I will post it later.

The beautiful mixer that does all the work for me!

The end results!

I will be sure to post some more pictures and recipes of the food I'm sure to be cooking the next few months. Yumm! Also Monday night we had a neighborhood BBQ which was fun to go to. Tonight then I have my visiting teaching ladies coming over and I go visit my ladies on Thursday. I feel like such an old lady ha.

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