Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day-Dunes

Well we went down to the sand dunes this weekend. Its all to familiar of a place for us on big weekends. It was a good weekend however becuase we got smart and brought back up vehicles for us. When the Teryx blew up after only 10 minutes of riding it was nice to have the RZR as back up. It was also fun to have my Dad, Paige and Ridge with us this weekend. (Mom was down in Las Vegas with my Grandparents). They all had a blast and my dad now must have a 4 seater RZR. (Thanks to Jake for letting my family borrow theirs). Then when my Dad and Paige had to leave Jake came out with the nephews Owen and Kayton. It was fun to have everyone stay in the trailer with us (Which I must mention is soooo much better than camping it-I dont mind camping it but the dunes is a little too much to tent it). All in all it was a good weekend. Most everything worked all weekend and most importantly no one got hurt. So if I can figure out how to load pictures to this blog I will...

 Ridge and Kayton ready for a ride
 Cute little Owen giving me his "Cheese" face
 Jace and Kayton jumping the RZR (you cant see but it has black and hot pink seats-yes I got to pick the colors on it!)

 Not a cute picture but the only one that I made it in.
I like this one-Owen liked playing in the sand alot

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