Monday, May 7, 2012

Painted Bathroom and Baked Beans

Well this past weekend was a little crazy busy but a very productive and fun weekend. Friday night my office rented out a theater and did a screening of the Avengers. I offered to help with getting everything together Friday so I helped tote some give away’s to the Jordan District and had Jace help drag crap in and get set up. Thanks again to Lori and Doug for everything, it was a blast. The movie was pretty good-kinda a predictable Marvel comic movie but still entertaining. Definitely funnier than I thought it would be.

Then Saturday was crazy busy. That morning Jace helped me tape up the downstairs bathroom since I had decided I wanted to paint chocolate brown stripes in there. Once he finished help taping everything, he went outside to work on his RZR and replacing the truck brakes. I put a coat of paint on and then while it dried I decided to start cleaning my windows. I got to all the ones on the first floor. Took screens out, and hand wiped all of them down. It’s not professional grade or anything but they look so much better. I also wiped down all the blinds and got a really good deep clean in on the house. Then I was able to mow the lawn before I put my last coat of paint on the bathroom. Then I had time to run to the store and bank before the night was over.

That night we had a neighborhood BBQ. Everyone brought yummy sides and since it was such a crazy day I decided to go with something super fast and easy. These Baked Beans are my mom’s recipe and they are really yummy and easy (the only part that takes any time is cooking the bacon).

Baked Beans

Karen Lewis

2 large cans Bush’s baked beans (drain half of sauce)
1 onion, chopped
1 lb. bacon cooked and crumbled
¾ cup Bullseye BBQ sauce
¾ cup brown sugar
 8-12 oz. crushed pineapple (from the can)

Mix together into crock pot-cook on low for a few hours or bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Put 2 strips of bacon across top.

Then we went to the BBQ and played some fun games. Jace and I actually won the water balloon toss but Jace got soaked by the kids throwing their balloons at him. After the BBQ we ran to the store and then went to see The Hunger Games. While we were in Louisiana I brought the first 2 books with me. I’m not much of a reader but I managed to read the 2 books in 3 days. I loved them and now I’m on the last one. So I was super excited to see how the movie compared. I ended up being pretty surprised how well it followed the book. I would have to say I liked The Hunger Games more than the Avengers but they are both so different it’s hard to compare them. Sunday we had church then came home to pull off the tape on the bathroom. I was nervous the paint would bleed through badly ruining the stripes but they turned out pretty good. We ended up buying the green painters tape (Frog Tape) instead of the blue one since it never seems to work. I don’t think I will ever use blue tape after using the Frog tape. It worked so much better this time. (Also a side note-the lady at Home Depot told us to use Semi-gloss paint so it resists water/hair spray and everything better. Wish I had known that in my master bathroom...)
and after 
another after

That night we had Jace’s dad (Dennis) and step-mom (Gayleen) over for dinner. The past week was her birthday so we did a later birthday/early mother’s day dinner for her. After dinner Jace and I laid on the couch and didn’t move the rest of the night. It was a great weekend but I defiantly could have used some more time to relax.


  1. You guys are two of the most productive people EVER! Haha! Talk about a busy weekend. I'm so gonna try that recipe, sounds yummy. And the stripes look awesome!

    1. It was an abnormal weekend ha. But the beans are super easy/yummy plus they make a ton so you can freeze like half of them then just throw them in a crockpot when you want them later.

  2. I love love that bathroom- its what I should've done in our main bathroom. It looks fantastic!

  3. love the bathroom! it made it look instantly fabulous :-) hope you have a lovely weekend!
