Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Halloween Decorations

Ok so as I mentioned in my last post that this last Saturday while doing yard work it started raining on us. It was kinda sad but happy at the same time because we really need to get the yard work done but I really needed a break. So we ended up going inside to wait the storm out and while inside I decided I would put up the Halloween decorations (I was inspired by my sister-in-law Marci). She put all her’s up and while she has many more than I do it was fun to get them up. I’m so excited for fall, mostly because then I wont have to work in the yard anymore (if you’ve ever put in your own yard, you understand this). So I popped a bag of popcorn (my recent favorite snack-I always offer to share with Jace but usually eat 90% by myself, good thing I’m going back to the gym with Chad and the guys at work!)
Anyways here are some pictures I took last night of the house when I should have been working on my Photo 1 & 2 assignments for school (stupid last Fine Arts credit). These are horrible lighting, and my instructor would be horrified by these but this was all I got and I promised Kensley I would get some house pics up so here ya go…
Looking in from the family room to the kitchen (which is normally more clean). See my pumpkins up above the cabinets. 
Close up of the pumpkins and my ghost by the stove.  
More glass/fallish pumpkins. I like these becuase they work for Thanksgiving too! 
My new Spooky sign from Tai Pan. I think I need to add some cobweb looking stuff around it. 
The family room and kitchen view. You can barely see my Halloween decorations in the candel/lantern thing on the coffee table.  
I can't decide if the ghost should go in the front room or kitchen.  

Jace says he thinks it's missing another "b" on the end...
My 2 signs in the kitchen.  
My little ghost and pumpkin hanging by the downstairs guest bedroom/bath.


  1. Ahhh Brooke I love it! Your house is so stinkin' cute! I need to put some of mine up, but I think hub would kill me. He about had a heart attack when he say how many fall soaps I bought at Bath and Body the other day... I can't help it! Yay for fall and no yard work!

  2. I love fall and halloween decorations! They are so fun! I love your kitchen by the way :)
